Subject Overview#
The subject overview dashboard allows you to see a summary of important information about a subject within the school. It contains a number of tabs each containing a different set of information.
The supervisor of a subject is automatically given access to their subject and does not require permission to view the dashboard.
You can provide access to all subject dashboards to a user by assigning the View Subject Overview Dashboards permission. This is particularly useful for the senior leadership team at the school.
Year Groups#
The year groups tab contains information allowing you to see a high level overview of the subject with year groups as the central point for the data.
The following charts are available:
Incidents Summary
This provides a visual comparison between the year groups in your subject, showing the number of incidents received by each.
Use this to highlight if a particular year group needs some additional support.
Incident Levels
This provides a visual representation of the number of serious incidents versus the number of low level incidents within the subject.
Incident Categories
This provides a visual representation of the number of incidents with each category assigned.
Use this to identify emerging trends within the subject that may need attention.
Staff Members
This provides a visual representation of the number of incidents each staff member is reporting.
Use this to identify staff members that may benefit from additional support.
You can see the following information for each year group:
Head of Year
The head of year for the year group is shown so that you can easily contact the right person to collaborate with if required.
Number of Detentions
The total number of detentions for the year group.
The number of upcoming detentions for the year group.
Number of Incidents
The total number for the year group.
The number of serious for the year group.
The number of low level for the year group.
Number of Students
The number of students assigned to class groups within this subject.
Clicking a year group card will take you to the class groups tab with that year group automatically selected.
Active Incidents#
The active incidents tab allows you to see the active incidents for the students in the subject. Any active incident that has this subject assigned will be listed.
You can also quickly filter the list further by selecting the Serious or Low Level filter options to show only incidents matching that criteria.
Class Groups#
The class groups tab contains information allowing you to see an overview of the performance for classes in a specific year group. You can select the year group by choosing the desired groups name from the drop down list in the top left or by clicking the corresponding card on the Year Groups Tab.
The following charts are available:
Incidents Summary
This provides a visual comparison between the class groups in the year group, showing the number of incidents received by each.
Use this to highlight if a particular class group needs some additional support.
Incident Levels
This provides a visual representation of the number of serious incidents versus the number of low level incidents within the year group.
Incident Categories
This provides a visual representation of the number of incidents with each category assigned within the year group.
Use this to identify emerging trends within the year group that may need attention.
Staff Members
This provides a visual representation of the number of incidents each staff member is reporting within the year group.
Use this to identify staff members that may benefit from additional support.
You can see the following information for each class group:
The supervisor(s) for the class are shown so that you can easily contact the right person to collaborate with if required.
Number of Detentions
The total number of detentions for the class.
The number of upcoming detentions for the class.
Number of Incidents
The total number for the class.
The number of serious for the class.
The number of low level for the class.
Number of Students
The number of students assigned to class.
The following permissions control access to this functionality:
View Subject Overview Dashboards
Users that are a supervisor of a subject are automatically given access to this dashboard for those groups.