
This page allows you to manage the user role assignments for a user. You can remove existing assignments, add new assignments and view historical assignments. For each role assignment you can see the start and end date for the role.

Assigning a New Role#

To assign a new role to a user, click the Assign button next to the desired role. This will assign the role the user and reload the view once complete.

Invalid Combinations#

Some roles cannot be assigned in conjunction with each other.

If you have the Staff, Contact or Applicant Contact roles, you cannot also be assigned the Student or Applicant roles and vice versa.

Removing an Existing Role#

To remove an existing role assignment, click the corresponding Remove button next to the active role assignment. Once complete the view will reload to show the updates.


This page is protected by the following permissions:

  • Manage User Role Assignments

This page is available to users with the following roles:

  • Staff Members

    • Available with permission