Safeguarding Document Categories#

Safeguarding document categories and sub categories can be used to add additional information to documents included in a student’s safeguarding record.


Some categories and sub categories are created, you won’t be able to change these as they’re required for system functionality to work.

Creating a Category#

To create a new category navigate to the Document Categories option from the Documents section of the Safeguarding menu. This will open the categories page showing the current categories.

Click the New button at the top of the page to add a new category. Enter the desired configuration before clicking the create button.


  • Name

    • The name of the category.


  • Description

    • A description for the category.

Once you create the new category you’ll be taken back to the categories index screen showing the existing categories including the new one.

Editing an Existing Category#

To edit an existing category navigate to the Document Categories option from the Documents section of the Safeguarding menu. This will open the categories page showing the current categories.

Select the corresponding checkbox and click the Edit button from the tables action bar to edit a category. You can also double click the row in the table. This will open the edit page for the category.

Once you’ve updated the desired information, click the Save button to update the category. A green popup will confirm the change was saved successfully.

Sub Categories#

To view the sub categories for a category click the corresponding checkbox on the table row and click the Edit button on the tables action bar. You can also double click the table row of the desired category.

Create a New Sub Category#

You can add a new sub category by clicking the Add button on the tables action bar. You’ll then need to enter the sub categories details before clicking the Create button.


  • Name

    • The name of the sub category.


  • Description

    • The description of the sub category.

Once you create the new sub category you’ll be taken back to the category page where you can see all of the related sub categories.

Editing an Existing Sub Category#

To edit a sub category, click the checkbox next to the corresponding sub category and click the Edit button on the tables action bar. You can also double click the row. This will open the edit view.

You can then edit the desired information and click the Save button to save the changes. You’ll be taken back to the index page and green popup message will confirm the edit was successful.

Deleting a Sub Category#

To delete a sub category, click the checkbox next to the corresponding sub category and click the Delete button on the tables action bar. You’ll be asked to confirm your choice before the sub category is deleted.

A green popup message will confirm the deletion was successful.

Deleting a Category#

To delete an existing category navigate to the Document Categories option from the Documents section of the Safeguarding menu. This will open the categories page showing the current categories.

Select the desired category using the checkbox on the corresponding row of the table and then click the Delete button on the tables action bar. You’ll be asked to confirm your choice before the category is deleted.

A green popup message will confirm the deletion was successful.


This page is protected by the following permissions:

  • Delete Safeguarding Document Categories

  • Manage Safeguarding Document Categories

This page is available to users with the following roles:

  • Staff Members

    • Available with permission