
You can record the rooms that the school have available including both the classrooms and meeting rooms. The configured rooms are used throughout all aspects of the system from timetables to bookings. You should ensure you create all of the rooms the school has to offer so that we can provide as much value as possible with the data.

Creating a Room#

You can create a new room by clicking the Rooms option from either the Admin or Bookings sections of the side menu. This will open the current list of rooms.

Click the new button at the top of the screen to open the new room form.

Complete the form and click the save button to create a new room.

  • Name

    • The name of the room.

  • Capacity

    • The number of people the room can accommodate.

  • Description

    • A description of the room to hold miscellaneous information.

  • Bookable User Groups

    • The user groups that contain users that are allowed to book this room.

  • Tags

    • Optionally add tags to provide additional information about the room and allow filtering on the bookings screen.


Each room must have a unique name so that they can be identified. You’ll see an error message if you try to create a duplicate room.

Once all of the information is correct, click the create button. You’ll be returned to the rooms list and see a green popup message confirming the room was created.

Editing a Room#

To edit an existing room select the Rooms option from either the Admin or Bookings sections of the side menu. This will open the current list of rooms.

To edit the room, click the corresponding checkbox and select the edit button from the tables action bar (or double click the row of the table). This will open the rooms edit screen.

Edit the required information and once updated click the save button to save the changes. You’ll be returned to the rooms list and see a green popup message confirming the room was updated.


If the room is synced from a third party system you won’t be able to edit some of the information. To update the information for these rooms, update the room in the source system.

Deleting a Room#

To edit an existing room select the Rooms option from either the Admin or Bookings sections of the side menu. This will open the current list of rooms.

Select the desired room by checking the corresponding checkbox and clicking the delete icon on the tables action bar. You’ll be asked to confirm the action before the rooms are deleted.


The following permissions control access to the rooms functionality.

  • Delete Rooms

  • Manage Rooms