Detention Time Slots#

Detention time slots are the mechanism by which available detention slots are managed. They allow the school to configure a dedicated set of “time slots” that a detention can be assigned to. This helps staff to manage their own workloads and allows the school to have an easy to analyse set of data.

All actions relating to management of the schools Detention Time Slots can be accessed by selecting the Detention Time Slots option from the configuration lists section of the side bar.

Creating a Detention Time Slot#

To create a new time slot click the Create button on the tables action bar, this will open the create view.

You must complete the required fields:

  • Name

    • The identifiable name of the time slot. This is used as the main identifier for staff.

  • Start Time

    • The time of day that the detention starts when it’s assigned to this time slot.

  • End Time

    • The time of day that the detention ends when it’s assigned to this time slot.

  • Triggers SMS Message

    • Does a detention being assigned to this time slot cause the system to send an SMS message to the nominated contacts for the student.

If “Triggers SMS Message” is set to Yes then the SMS Message Template field is also required.

  • SMS Message Template

    • The template to be used when generating the SMS message to send.


The character count within this option is an estimated length only. If the message contains replacement tokens (eg. $$DetentionDate$$) the actual length of the message may differ from the length of the template and may therefore incur an additional credit. Due to this extra care should be taken when updating the message template to be used for a time slot so that the likely length of the messages is understood.


Messages can be any length up to the maximum specified in the SMS Message Credits section.


The name of the detention time slot must be unique to allow users to identify each one.

Editing an Existing Detention Time Slot#

To edit an existing time slot select the corresponding checkbox and click the Edit button on the tables action bar (Or double click the row). This will open the edit view for the selected time slot.

To update the details, change any of the information that is incorrect and click the Save button. You’ll be redirected back to the index screen and a green popup message will be shown to confirm your changes were saved successfully.

Deleting a Detention Time Slot#

To delete a time slot select the corresponding checkbox and click the Delete button on the tables action bar. A popup window will be shown asking you to confirm your choice before the time slot is deleted. Once deleted a green popup message will confirm the time slot was deleted successfully.


This page is protected by the following permissions:

  • Delete Detention Time Slots

  • Manage Detention Time Slots

This page is available to users with the following roles:

  • Staff Members

    • Available with permission