Talk To Us Message Batches#

This process allows a user with permission to upload a batch file that contains messages to be added to applications.


You will only be able to access this functionality if you have the correct permission assigned. Speak to your administrator if you think you need access to this.

Uploading a Message Batch#

You can create multiple messages against multiple applications by uploading a file containing details of the messages to be created and selecting an academic year. (The academic year should match that of all of the applications within the batch)

The file that is going to be uploaded must match the template files structure. To ensure that this is as easy as possible you can download a blank template file by clicking the Download Template button.

The batch file contains two columns:

  • Application Reference Number - the reference number of the application that you would like to add the message to

  • Message Text - the text of the message to be added

Once you have completed and uploaded your batch file and selected the academic year, click the Submit Batch button to create the messages.


We ask you to select the academic year as a form of sense checking the request. Batch actions can quickly damage your data integrity if the wrong items are updated. If the academic year you select doesn’t match that of the applications in the batch the process will fail.

When the application messages have been queued for processing you’ll be redirected to the Batch Details page.


A notification will also be created to inform the applicants/contacts that a new message has been added. Depending on their preferences they may also receive an email update about the new notifications.`


Batches are added to a queue for processing so please be patient as (depending on the size of the batch) it may take some time for all records to be processed. You can check back to the batch details screen at a later time to verify that everything was processed as expected.

Batch Details#

You can view the details of an uploaded batch by selecting the view batches option from the menu. This will present you with a screen to select the academic year to view batches for.

Once selected you will see a list of the batches that have been created and assigned to that academic year.

You can view the details of a single batch by selecting the checkbox on the corresponding table row and clicking the edit button on the tables action bar.

You will then be shown the academic year that was selected, the number of records within the batch and any errors that where in the batch.

You can also download the errors in a pre-populated template file that you would then be able to edit, correcting any issues before attempting to upload the records again in a new batch.


The selection of the academic year allows a final check to be done to ensure that the applications that are being updated are within the academic year that you intended.