Attendance Summary#

This tab is designed to show senior leaders at the school a high-level picture of student attendance across the school. It provides summarised information allowing you to identify issues that may require drilling into.

Attendance Percentage#

The overall attendance percentage of the students in the selected year groups is displayed. Clicking this card will take you to the Year To Date tab.

Absence Rate#

The overall percentage of attendance marks that represent an absence as well as the number of students involved in the calculation. Clicking this card will take you to the Absence tab.

Authorised Absence Rate#

The overall percentage of attendance marks that represent an authorised absence as well as the number of students involved in the calculation. Clicking this card will take you to the Absence tab.

Unauthorised Absence Rate#

The overall percentage of attendance marks that represent an unauthorised absence as well as the number of students involved in the calculation. Clicking this card will take you to the Absence tab.

Persistent Absence#

This shows the persistent absence percentage for the school as well as the number of students involved in the calculation. Clicking this card will take you to the Absence tab.

Authorised Persistent Absence#

This shows the authorised persistent absence percentage for the school as well as the number of students involved in the calculation. Clicking this card will take you to the Absence tab.

Unauthorised Persistent Absence#

This shows the unauthorised persistent absence percentage for the school as well as the number of students involved in the calculation. Clicking this card will take you to the Absence tab.

Late Percentage#

This shows the percentage of attendance marks that represent lateness as well as the number of students involved in the calculation. Clicking this card will take you to the Punctuality tab.

Arrived in School After Registers Closed#

This shows the percentage of attendance marks that represent lateness where the student arrived after registers closed as well as the number of students involved in the calculation. Clicking this card will take you to the Punctuality tab.

Arrived in School Before Registers Closed#

This shows the percentage of attendance marks that represent lateness where the student arrived before registers closed as well as the number of students involved in the calculation. Clicking this card will take you to the Punctuality tab.

Year Groups#

This shows a breakdown for each year group of all of the figures shown above. Each row can be clicked to go to the year groups attendance details.


Any student that was on roll at any point during the academic year is included this analytics.