Email Teachers#

The email teachers tab allows staff to contact the teachers of a particular student in a single action.

This will be particularly useful in the scenario that a student has been removed from lessons for the rest of the day. For example, they have been placed in isolation or are receiving special support.

Sending a Message#

After selecting the Email Teachers tab on the student’s dashboard you’ll be taken to the email teachers page.

The email will:

  • Have a subject set to include the students name and form group.

  • Have your name in the message template.

  • Have a link to the student dashboard for the selected student in the message template.

You must select at least one staff member to send a message to and enter both a subject and message. Once the required fields have been entered, click send to the send the message.

If you’d like to record a copy of the email on the students record so it’s visible to other staff throughout the school, set the Create Note option to Yes. Once selected, you’ll need to provide the category and sub-category for the note that’s going to be created. If you’d like to create a sensitive note then select Yes for that field as well.


When creating a new note the content of the first staff members email will be used. This means that if you use merge fields to personalise the emails the content will include the first staff members merged in information.

Once sent, a green success message will confirm the message was sent.


The message will be included in the email with the formatting you see on screen. Due to differences in email provider/client implementations cannot guarantee that the message will look exactly as presented on screen when read by all recipients.


You can use the days and periods options to help select staff members relevant to this student.


This page is protected by the following permissions:

  • Email Teachers

This page is available to users with the following roles:

  • Staff Members

    • Available with permission