Classroom Bookings#

Classroom bookings allows you to book a different classroom in the school for a specific purpose. Usually this will be because you want to use a specialised room for a particular lesson, for example, a computer room. It provides the school with visibility of which rooms are used and not used as well as giving the system the ability to ensure that school staff can find you and your class in the event of an emergency.

Creating a New Booking#

To book a classroom select the Book a Classroom option from the Classroom section of the Bookings side bar.

You’ll be shown all of the bookings for rooms in the school for today’s date. If you’re looking to book a room for a different date, update the date in the filters bar at the top of the screen.

You’ll be shown when each of the rooms is available for booking with a green “Book Now” option in the cell.

If there is a timetabled class in the room at a given time it will be shown with details so that you can see why you can’t book the room.

Similarly if the room has been booked by someone else then you’ll see the details of the booking in the cell.


If you’re looking for a specific type of room, for example, a computer room, you can select that tag from the tags filter at the top of the screen. Once selected the rooms will be shown that have that tag so you can more easily find the room you’re looking for. (If there are no tags you should speak to your administrator about getting them added to the rooms)

To book a room, click the Book Now option to open the new booking popup window. You’ll then need to complete the required information.

  • Reference

    • A reference to allow you and other people in the school to see why you’ve booked the room. This could be the class code of the class or another useful identifier.

  • Notes

    • Optionally provide some notes to attach to the booking.

  • Owner

    • If you’ve got permissions to book on behalf of other users you’ll need to choose who this booking belongs to.

Once you’ve entered the desired information, click the Create button to create the booking. A green popup will confirm the booking was created successfully.

Editing an Existing Booking#

To edit a booking select the My Bookings option from the Classrooms section of the Bookings side bar. This will take you to a list of your current bookings.


If you’ve got permission to manage bookings for all users you can access the bookings for a specific user by clicking the View/Edit option from the Classrooms section of the Bookings side bar. You’ll then need to select the user and you’ll be taken to the same page.

You can edit a booking by clicking the corresponding checkbox and clicking the edit button on the tables action bar (or by double clicking the row in the table). This will open the classroom booking for editing.

You can edit the reference, notes or owner of the booking. Once updated click the save button to save the changes. A green popup message will confirm the changes were saved successfully.

Deleting a Booking#

To delete a booking select the My Bookings option from the Classrooms section of the Bookings side bar. This will take you to a list of your current bookings.


If you’ve got permission to delete bookings for all users you can access the bookings for a specific user by clicking the View/Edit option from the Classrooms section of the Bookings side bar. You’ll then need to select the user and you’ll be taken to the same page.

You can delete a booking by clicking the corresponding checkbox and then clicking the delete button from the tables action bar. You’ll be asked to confirm the choice before the booking is deleted.

A green popup message will confirm the booking was deleted.


This page is protected by the following permissions:

  • Delete All Classroom Bookings

  • Delete Classroom Bookings

  • Manage All Classroom Bookings

  • Manage Classroom Bookings

This page is available to users with the following roles:

  • Staff Members

    • Available with permission