Sign In#

There are different options for signing in depending on what your school has enabled.

Local Account Sign In#

You can sign in with your account by entering your username and password on the sign in page.

If the password or username is incorrect you’ll see a message to inform you. If the combination is correct, you’ll be taken to the requested page.


For the security of our users we won’t confirm whether you’ve entered an invalid username or password specifically, just that one of them was invalid.


We don’t store the value of your password, we use a process called hashing to change the password into an unrecognisable value, which we then store. This means that no-one at our organisation or your school can see what your password is. It also means that should our database be compromised by malicious hackers your password isn’t also compromised.

Active Directory Federation Services - OAuth#

To log in with your school account, click the “Sign In With School Account” button. This will redirect you to your schools login page.

Once signed in you will be redirected back to the requested page. If there is an error signing you in you’ll see a message on the sign in page.