Data Anonymisation#

Data anonymisation is the process of removing personal data for users that you no longer need to retain it for.

This process within the Sixth Form Admissions module has been designed to help you find the users who’s data should be anonymised. It simply selects the users and adds requests for anonymisation as if you had manually requested them all individually within the Data Anonymisation section.


As per the standard functionality this is only accessible to the Data Protection Officer within the school. Specified in the Data Protection Officer Setting.


It is the schools responsibility to delete personal data when it is no longer needed (As per UK GDPR requirements). This functionality was designed to make this process as easy as possible for you to complete, it selects the users that we think you don’t need to keep data for. You should also double check that all users that should be anonymised are. This may require you to make additional manual requests for anonymisation for edge case users that don’t meet the conditions laid out below.

Creating New Requests#

To use this functionality to make a new set of data anonymisation requests, select the Create option from the Data Anonymisation section of the side bar.

Here you must select the academic year that you’d like to anonymise data for. Once selected a list of the users that will be anonymised is loaded onto the screen.

You should select any users that you DO NOT want to be anonymised by selecting the corresponding checkbox.


It is not recommended to keep any data for these users unless you have clear legal reasons for doing so. UK GDPR requires that data that is no longer needed is deleted and as such it is your schools responsibility to ensure that should you keep any data, you’re happy that you’ve got a legal reason for doing so.

Once any exclusions have been selected you must confirm that you understand there is no recovering this data and it will be completely deleted.

Click the Anonymise Users button to submit the requests.

How are Users Selected#

Sixth Form Applicants and Applicant Contacts are selected for anonymisation if they meet the following criteria.

Sixth Form Applicant Contacts:

  • Only have a single user role and that is “Sixth Form Applicant Contact”.

  • Are linked to applications within the selected academic year only.

Sixth Form Applicants:

  • Only have a single user role and that is “Sixth Form Applicant”.

  • Are linked to applications within the selected academic year only.

What Data is Deleted#

This process is a helper method to the standard anonymisation process. As such no special data is deleted beyond that of a normal anonymisation request, see Data Anonymisation for more.