Detention Severity Levels#

Detention Severity Levels are the mechanism by which the severity of detentions can be grouped and analysed by the school.

All actions relating to management of the schools Detention Severity Levels can be accessed by selecting the Detention Severity Levels option from the Configuration Lists section of the side bar.

Creating a Detention Severity Level#

To create a new severity level click the Create button on the tables action bar, this will open the create view.

You’ll need to enter the details about the severity level including:

Name Required
The identifiable name of the severity level. This is used as the main identifier for staff.


The name of the Detention Severity Level must be unique to allow users to identify each one.

Severity Level Required
A numerical level of severity, this helps with automatic analysis of detentions.

Is Default Required
Is this the default severity level that should be automatically selected for all new detentions?

Attendance Management Group
If you’d like to specify an Attendance Management Group containing users that can update the attendance to detentions of this severity level, you can do so by selecting the group from the drop down list.

Detention Management Group
If you’d like to specify a Detention Management Group containing users that can create, edit and delete detentions of this severity level, you can do so by selecting the group from this drop down list.

Editing an Existing Detention Severity Level#

To edit an existing severity level select the corresponding checkbox and click the Edit button on the tables action bar (Or double click the row). This will open the edit view for the selected item.

To update the details, change any of the information that is incorrect and click the Save button. You’ll be redirected back to the index screen and a green popup message will be shown to confirm your changes were saved successfully.

Deleting a Detention Severity Level#

To delete a severity level select the corresponding checkbox and click the Delete button on the tables action bar. A popup window will be shown asking you to confirm your choice before the item is deleted. Once deleted a green popup message will confirm the severity level was deleted successfully.


This page is protected by the following permissions:

  • Delete Detention Severity Levels

  • Manage Detention Severity Levels

This page is available to users with the following roles:

  • Staff Members

    • Available with permission