
This page shows you the mentoring forms assigned to the student for completion. You can see all forms that have been assigned to the student at any point during their time at the school.

Responses that are due within the next 7 days will be shown with a red underline beneath the header section and an exclamation mark icon.

To view the response, click the view button from the corresponding card. This will open the view response page.


If a response is locked and cannot be edited you’ll see a lock icon letting you know.

Active Responses#

The active responses section shows the details of the responses that the student hasn’t submitted yet. You can see a summary of information about each response including; student and staff deadline dates, when the student submitted and which staff member submitted the response.


Staff can also see who a response is expected from if there has been no staff submission yet.

Completed Responses#

The completed responses section shows the details of the responses that the student and staff member have been submitted. This shows details of when the response was submitted by the student, which staff member and when submitted the form and the response groups details.