Resource Bookings#

A booking is fairly self explanatory, it’s when a user books a resource for their own use.

For example, a user would book a classroom if they wanted to use it for something so that no-one else can use that room at that time.

Booking a Resource#

To book a resource select the Book a Resource option from the Bookings section of the side menu. You’ll then be asked to select the resource type that you’d like to book.

Once you select the resource type, you’ll be redirected to the appropriate booking page for the entry type of that resource.

Custom Time Period#

These bookings are made using a timeline for each resource.

Create a new Booking#

When selecting a resource type that uses a custom time period entry you’ll be presented with a page showing 2 drop down lists and a timeline.

The drop down lists will be pre-selected for you based on resource you previously selected. The resources will be shown vertically down the left hand side of the timeline and the dates/times will be shown horizontally along the bottom.


You can change the resources that are shown vertically down the timeline by de-selecting them in the resources drop down list.

To create a new booking double click on the time within the resource row of the resource you’d like to book. This will open the Book a Resource window for you to enter the reference and notes about this booking.

In this window, you’ll need to enter the following required fields:

  • Reference

    • This is the identifier for the booking, it’s how you’d find it in a list of bookings.

If you have the permission “Book For All Users” you’ll be able to select the user that owns the booking. By default the currently logged in user is selected.

You can also optionally attach some notes to the booking.

Once all of the information is entered, click the save button to save the booking.

You should now set the booking to the desired length by dragging the left or right edges of the booking to the correct point in time on the timeline.

Editing a Booking#

You can edit a booking by double clicking the booking on the timeline, once clicked, the Edit Booking window will be displayed.

In this screen you can edit the bookings reference and notes. If you have the “Book For All Users” permission you can also change the owner of the booking.

Once the information is updated, click the save button update the booking.

Changing the Length of a Booking#

To change the length of the booking you need to hover the mouse over the left or right side of the booking on the timeline. When hovering here you’ll see the mouse pointer change to the resize icon, simply click and drag the side of the booking to the new start or end time. You can’t drag a booking over the top of another booking since two people can’t use the same resource at the same time. If you resize the booking to a valid length it’s details will be updated and saved. You’ll see a green success message letting you know everything was updated.

Moving a Booking#

You can move a booking by dragging it on the timeline. You can’t drag a booking over the top of another booking since two people can’t use the same resource at the same time. If you drag the booking to a valid location it’s details will be updated and saved. You’ll see a green success message letting you know everything was updated.

Deleting a Booking#

You can delete a booking by double clicking the booking on the timeline, once clicked, the Edit Booking window will be displayed.

In this screen you can click the delete button to delete the booking. You’ll be asked to confirm your choice before the booking is deleted.


You can only delete a booking if you’re the owner or if you have the “Delete All Bookings” permission.

Fixed Time Period#

These bookings are made using a calendar for each resource.

Creating a new Booking#

When selecting a resource type that uses entries of fixed time period you’ll be presented with a page showing 2 drop down lists.

The first will be pre-selected for you, based on your choice of resource type. You’ll need to select the individual resource from the second list. Once the resource is selected a calendar will be loaded for that resources bookings.

This page works like any standard calendar. To create a new booking for this resource, click the date/time cell that you’d like to start your booking in. This will open the Book a Resource window.

In this window, you’ll need to enter the following required fields:

  • Reference

    • This is the identifier for the booking, it’s how you’d find it in a list of bookings.

  • Time Slot Entry

    • This is the entry that you want to use to book this resource. School administrators have defined a list of available entries for each resource.

  • Start Date

    • This is the date that the booking is on. (It gets selected based on the date/time you clicked in the calendar)

  • Start Time

    • This is the time that the booking starts. (It gets selected based on the date/time you clicked in the calendar)

If you have the permission “Book For All Users” you’ll be able to select the user that owns the booking. By default the currently logged in user is selected.

You can also optionally attach some notes to the booking.

Once all of the information is entered, click the save button to save the booking.

Editing a Booking#

You can edit a booking by clicking the booking on the calendar for that resource, once clicked, the Edit Booking window will be displayed.

In this screen you can edit the bookings reference and notes. If you have the “Book For All Users” permission you can also change the owner of the booking.

Once the information is updated, click the save button update the booking.

Moving a Booking#

You can move a booking by dragging it on the calendar. You can’t drag a booking over the top of another booking since two people can’t use the same resource at the same time. If you drag the booking to a valid location it’s details will be updated and saved. You’ll see a green success message letting you know everything was updated.

Deleting a Booking#

You can delete a booking by clicking the booking on the calendar for that resource, once clicked, the Edit Booking window will be displayed.

In this screen you can click the delete button to delete the booking. You’ll be asked to confirm your choice before the booking is deleted.


You can only delete a booking if you’re the owner or if you have the “Delete All Bookings” permission.

Fixed Start and End#

These bookings are made using a custom screen.

Creating a New Booking#

When selecting a resource type that uses entries of fixed start and end time you’ll be presented with a page showing a filters area and a resource table.

You can edit the date that you want to see bookings for by selecting clicking the date field and selecting the date from the calendar.

Changing the date will reload the resources table with the bookings for that date.

You can filter the list of resources to those with a specific tag or set of tags assigned by selecting those tags from the filter drop down list.

Available time slots are shown with “Book Now” in their boxes.

To book a resource in that time slot, click the corresponding book now button to open the Book a Resource window.

In this window you’ll need to provide a reference for the booking. You can optionally provide some notes.

If you have the “Book For All Users” permission you’ll also be able to select the user that owns the booking. (The currently logged in user will be pre-selected)

Once the required information is entered, click the save button to create the booking.

Editing a Booking#

You can edit a booking by selecting it from your My Bookings list.

Deleting a Booking#

You can delete a booking by selecting it from your My Bookings list.

Booking a Classroom#

Booking a classroom is available as a quick action/shortcut from the bookings menu, you can jump straight to the classroom booking screen by clicking the Book a Classroom option from the bookings section of the side menu. You then book as you would any other resource with an entry type of Fixed Start and End.

If your school have got third party integration enabled and your third party system supports timetable synchronisation the classrooms will be unavailable for booking when there is a timetabled lesson in that room.

My Bookings#

The my bookings section shows you all of your bookings for any resources in a consolidated tabular format. To get to the my bookings section select the My Bookings option from the Bookings section of the side menu.

You’ll be presented with a list of all of your bookings.


This page only shows you bookings in the future, you can’t modify a booking in the past.

Editing a Booking#

To edit a booking select the corresponding checkbox and click the edit icon on the tables action bar. This will open the relevant edit view for the type of booking.

Deleting a Booking#

To delete a booking select the corresponding checkbox and click the delete icon on the tables action bar. You’ll be asked to confirm the action before the resource types are deleted.

Timetable Clashes#

It’s possible that during the school year the timetable has to be modified for some reason. When this happens it might mean that bookings that have been made already are no longer valid.

The system deals with this by treating the timetable as the single source of truth. It’s the most important source of when and where people should be.

To that end when a timetable change is made and a booking is no longer available sends a notification to the user who made the booking informing them that their booking is no longer valid due to a timetable change. They don’t need to do anything with the booking but they will need to manually book another room if they still want to book one for that period.

This check for clashing bookings is run automatically once a day and notifications created.


Timetable clashes are only dealt with if you have third party integration enabled.


Administrators with the “Edit All Bookings” permissions can view all bookings by selecting the View / Edit option from the Bookings section of the side menu.

You’ll be asked to select a user to view bookings for.

Once selected their bookings will be loaded.


This page only shows you bookings in the future, you can’t modify a booking in the past.

Editing a Booking#

To edit a booking select the corresponding checkbox and click the edit icon on the tables action bar. This will open the relevant edit view for the type of booking.

Deleting a Booking#

To delete a booking select the corresponding checkbox and click the delete icon on the tables action bar. You’ll be asked to confirm the action before the resource types are deleted.


You’ll only be able to delete bookings owned by other users if you have the “Delete All Bookings” permission.


This page is protected by the following permissions:

  • Book For All Users

  • Book Resources

  • Delete All Bookings

  • Edit All Bookings

This page is available to users with the following roles:

  • Staff Members

    • Available with permission