Staff Audits#

The staff audits area allows you to carry out a data practices audit of all staff at the school. You can create a new audit, assign it to staff for completion and then analyse the results to identify any gaps in your data security practices.


We recommend that you configure your Staff Audit Questions once per school year, that way you can compare results and assess improvements across the year.

Creating a New Audit#


Before creating a new audit you must configure one or more questions that you’d like to ask staff. See Staff Audit Questions for more information.

To assign a new audit to staff, select the Assign Staff Audits option from the Staff Audits section of the side menu. This will open the Assign Audits view.

On this screen you simply need to select which Staff Audit Group these audits should belong to, by either selecting an existing group or creating a new one as well as select the expiration date for the audits. Once selected click the save button to create all the audits. An audit is assigned to each user with the staff role assigned for completion.


The expiration date for audits defaults to 6 weeks from today, you should amend it as required.

My Audits#

As a staff member you can view the audits assigned to you for completion by selecting the My Audits option from the Staff Audits section of the side menu. This will show a list of all of your audits.

To edit an audit, select the corresponding checkbox and click the edit icon on the tables action bar. You’ll be taken to the Edit Staff Audit view, where you can answer the questions and submit the responses.


Once you’ve completed the audit and provided your responses you will be unable to edit the responses. This is to ensure data integrity and allow the school to assess their position and it’s change over time.

Editing an Existing Audit#

As a staff member with the Edit All Staff Audit Responses permission you can edit any staff audit response. To do so, select the View / Edit option from the Staff Audits section of the side menu. This will open a screen for you to select the audit group you’d like to view.

Once selected, you’ll see a list of the audits in that group. To view a specific audit, select the corresponding checkbox and click edit on the tables action bar.

You’ll see the audit in the edit view. Here you can update the audits as required and if you have the Delete Staff Audit Responses permission, delete erroneous data.

Click save to save any changes.


The following notifications are sent to users related to this functionality:

  • New Audit Assigned

    • Sent to staff members when a new staff audit is assigned to them for completion.