
Anyone wishing to apply to sixth form can use the online process to submit an application.

Application Type#

The first step is determine what type of application you are creating. There are 2 options:

  • Internal - An application that is submitted by a student that already attends the school as a student in year 11.

  • External - An application that is submitted by a student that does not currently attend the school to which they are applying.

Application Type Selection

You simply need to select the correct option from the apply screen to get started.


If the schools deadline date has passed you’ll be shown a message letting you know when it was. You can still submit your application after the deadline date but it will be marked as a late application.


Internal applicants will already have an account for their school and as such will be asked to confirm their identity by signing in. This will then automatically complete as much of the application as possible on your behalf.


You are still responsible for submitting the application to the school and confirming that all details on the application are correct.


As an external applicant the school don’t know anything about you and you don’t have an account within the schools installation. The first step to submitting your application is to create an account.

Step 1 - Account Details#

To get started simply enter your email address and some information about yourself and click the create account button.

Account Details Screen

Step 2 - Verify Your Account#

You will be sent an email containing an account setup link, simply click on the link and fill out the form to complete your account setup. For more information on the account setup process see :ref:glAccountSetup.

Account Setup Screen


In order to keep the system as secure as possible the account setup link will expire one month from creation. After which time you will need to contact the school in order to receive a new link.

Submitting Your Application#

After you have successfully created your application by completing the appropriate process for your type of applicant you will need to fill out and submit your application form itself.

Application Screen

You must enter all required fields before clicking the submit application button. Any sections highlighted red are still in need of completion. Once all of the required information is complete the submit button will be enabled.


Your application isn’t submitted to the school at this stage, you still need to enter some more information!

See the application section for more detailed information about each area of the application form.

What Happens Next?#

Your application will be reviewed by someone at the school to confirm that you have completed it correctly and it’s status will then be updated.

You can update the details held on your application at any time during the early stages of the process.


The latter stages require information to be controlled by the school and changes approved before being accepted. At this point changes can be requested via the “Talk To Us” mechanism.


Depending on your notifications settings, you’ll receive notifications about any activity with your application.