Safeguarding Concern Types#

Safeguarding concern types and areas of concern can be used to add additional information to concern reports included in a student’s safeguarding record. You can add specific groups of users to be copied into reports of each type allowing different teams within the school to stay informed of relevant concern reports.

Creating a Concern Type#

To create a new concern type navigate to the Concern Types option from the Concern Reports section of the Safeguarding menu. This will open the concern types page showing the current concern types.

Click the New button at the top of the page to add a new concern type. Enter the desired configuration before clicking the create button.

  • Required

    • Name - The name of the concern type.

  • Optional

    • Custom Content - A customisable piece of content that will be shown to users when they report a concern of this type. Use this to add specific information or instructions about a concern type.

    • Description - A description for the category.

    • Notification Group - Specify a group of users that will be automatically added to the cc staff member list in new concern reports of this type.

Once you create the new concern type you’ll be taken back to the concern types index screen showing the existing concern types including the new one.

Editing an Existing Concern Type#

To edit an existing category navigate to the Concern Types option from the Concern Reports section of the Safeguarding menu. This will open the concern types page showing the current concern types.

Select the corresponding checkbox and click the Edit button from the tables action bar to edit a concern type. You can also double click the row in the table. This will open the edit page for the concern type.

Once you’ve updated the desired information, click the Save button to update the concern type. A green popup will confirm the change was saved successfully.

Areas of Concern#

To view the areas of concern for a concern type click the corresponding checkbox on the table row and click the Edit button on the tables action bar. You can also double click the table row of the desired concern type.

Create a New Area of Concern#

You can add a new area of concern by clicking the Add button on the tables action bar. You’ll then need to enter the area of concern’s details before clicking the Create button.

  • Required

    • Name - The name of the area of concern.

  • Optional

    • Description - The description of the area of concern. This will help people understand it’s meaning and make it less likely the wrong one is applied to a concern report.

    • Notification Group - The group containing users that should be automatically added to the cc staff members list for a concern report when this area of concern is selected.

Once you create the new area of concern you’ll be taken back to the concern type page where you can see all of the related area of concern.

Editing an Existing Area of Concern#

To edit an area of concern, click the checkbox next to the corresponding area of concern and click the Edit button on the tables action bar. You can also double click the row. This will open the edit view.

You can then edit the desired information and click the Save button to save the changes. You’ll be taken back to the index page and green popup message will confirm the edit was successful.

Deleting an Area of Concern#

To delete an area of concern, click the checkbox next to the corresponding area of concern and click the Delete button on the tables action bar. You’ll be asked to confirm your choice before the area of concern is deleted.

A green popup message will confirm the deletion was successful.

Deleting a Concern Type#

To delete an existing concern type navigate to the Concern Types option from the Concern Reports section of the Safeguarding menu. This will open the concern types page showing the current concern types.

Select the desired concern types using the checkbox on the corresponding row of the table and then click the Delete button on the tables action bar. You’ll be asked to confirm your choice before the concern type is deleted.

A green popup message will confirm the deletion was successful.


This page is protected by the following permissions:

  • Archive Safeguarding Concern Types

  • Manage Safeguarding Concern Types

This page is available to users with the following roles:

  • Staff Members

    • Available with permission