
Staff Dashboard#

The staff dashboard page shows some high level statistics designed to provide the information you most need at a glance.

Number of Applications#

The number of applications chart shows how many internal and how many external applications there are as well as a total number.


These numbers do not include any application at a status that signifies withdrawn as these are considered to no longer be current.

Applications by Type#

The applications by type chart shows how many applications there are at each of the types;

  • Offered - The number of applications currently at a status that is marked as signifying an offer.

  • Other Active - The number of applications currently at a status that is not marked as either signifying an offer or a withdrawn application.

  • Withdrawn - The number of applications currently at a status that is marked as signifying a withdrawn application.

Applications with Action Required#

This block shows the number of applications with the action required option set to “Yes”.


Click this block to be taken straight to the Action Required Applications Report showing details of the applications.

Current Applications - Status Breakdown#

This includes a breakdown of how many applications are at each status as well as a breakdown of internal vs external. It contains data for all statuses, including those that signify withdrawn.

Current Applications - Special Attention#

This shows any application that you have marked as requiring special attention. It shows the reference number, the applicants name and the contents of the notes field.


Double click on the application in the table to open it’s full details.

Student Dashboard#

Students will see a banner on their dashboard when applications are open and they belong to the year group specified in the Show Applications Are Open Banner To setting.